The Power of Kindness and Appreciation 

Acts of kindness can be carried out in true altruism… just from the goodness of our hearts to help others. Other times we perform acts of kindness in the hopes of receiving a smile, a ‘thank you’ or even an act of kindness in return.

I often go out of my way to hold a door open for the person behind me but I do expect a ‘thank you’. When I allow someone to pass in front of me while driving, I always look for the raised arm as a ‘thank you’. I wonder though, as to why I expect gratitude and acknowledgment of my act of kindness? I guess it is natural for us to want and even expect appreciation for doing a good turn. In particular, for those of us who would never take an act of kindness for granted if the roles were reversed.

 A short while ago, as I was about to enter a building, I saw a family of seven about to enter through the same doorway. I waited politely for them to approach and held the door open for them. Not one of the adults said ‘thank you’ until the littlest one in the family, perhaps four years of age, who was the last to pass through the doorway, looked up at me and said “thank you”. It was so sweet, but ironic as presumably, this little child had learned his manners from his parents, who did not bother to acknowledge me. I found this disturbing … If they were going to teach their children manners, the least they could do was practice what they preached themselves.

An act of kindness goes a long way to make the world a happier and more peaceful place, no matter whether the intent was altruistic or otherwise.  It is equally important to always make sure to thank others in acknowledgement and appreciation of their kindness, whether or not the thanks were needed.

Kindness and appreciation is contagious, so as the holiday season approaches, do something nice for someone and hopefully they will pass it forward, bringing in a wonderful season for all.

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